Caterpillar stairlifts for indoor and outdoor use

For private and public use

The versatility of caterpillar stairlifts is vast. Whether you prefer to avoid a stationary stairlift or need mobility on the go, the caterpillar stairlift offers a portable solution. It is ideal for temporary use and can be rented, making it suitable for various applications, both private and public.

Load capacity

150 kg

Maximum stair incline


Speed upwards

6.1 m / min

Speed downwards

10.7 m / min

Minimum stair width

900 mm

Caterpillar stairlift Type Standard SA-S for private use

The caterpillar stairlift Type SA-S allows you to overcome stairs both outdoors and at home. An assistant operates the stairlift, making it easy to safely navigate straight stairs without physical effort. The stairlift can be used on various staircases, both indoors and outdoors. It operates even during a power outage and is always ready for immediate use, requiring only minimal maintenance.

Rigert stairlift caterpillar

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Rigert caterpillar stairlift Type Public TRE-52

Caterpillar stairlift Type Public TRE-52 for public use

The Public caterpillar stairlift has a higher load capacity, making it ideal for electric wheelchairs or material transport. It’s a practical and safe solution for overcoming stairs in public buildings like schools, universities, train stations, museums, and more. It can be used on various staircases, both indoors and outdoors, and is flexible for straight stairs.

Minimum dimensions for using a caterpillar stairlift

The diagram shows three staircase configurations and their minimum dimensions:

  • For narrow stairs, the minimum width is 1250 mm, the minimum landing depth is 1920 mm, and the distance between the steps must be at least 900 mm. The gap between the stair treads should be 120 mm.

  • For wide stairs, a minimum width of 1100 mm, a minimum landing depth of 2120 mm, and a minimum step distance of 1000 mm are required. The gap between the steps remains 120 mm.

  • For 90° stairs, a minimum landing width and depth of 1250 mm and a minimum step distance of 900 mm are required.

These dimensions ensure the safe and efficient use of a caterpillar stairlift. For more information or advice, feel free to contact us.

Operating area of the caterpillar stairlift

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